Hogmanay Grams-SOLD OUT FOR 24/25
We are SOLD OUT for 2024/2025

Time & Location
Nov 30, 2024, 12:00 AM – Dec 31, 2024, 11:59 PM
About the event
In Scotland, the tradition of first-footing starts immediately after midnight on Hogmanay (January 1st); the first-foot is the first person to enter a family, friend, or neighbor’s house. They bring symbolic gifts which represent everything from prosperity, nourishment, and of course good cheer for the year ahead. A “Hogmanay Gram” is a chance to share this wonderful tradition of a first-footing with your friends and family both near and far!
Each box includes specially curated first-footing gifts that represent, Prosperity, Long Life, Flavor, Nourishment, Warmth, and Good Cheer for the year to come. These boxes will also include a brief history and explanation of Hogmanay and the first-footing. To make this box even more special for your recipient, you can add a custom note that will be printed and placed in the box.
The theme of this years box is “the clans and castles of Scotland” and will will include…